What's Up Superdoc! is a 1978 British sex comedy film, directed by sexploitation director Derek Ford and produced by Michael L. Green. The film was a sequel to the 1977 film What's Up Nurse!, with Christopher Mitchell replacing Nicholas Field as the oversexed Dr. Todd. The cast included Harry H. Corbett, Hughie Green, and a brief appearance by sex film star Mary Millington.
Video What's Up Superdoc!
- Harry H. Corbett as Goodwin
- Christopher Mitchell as Dr. Todd
- Melvyn Hayes as Waiter / Pietro
- Julia Goodman as Annabel
- Hughie Green as Bob Scratchitt
- Bill Pertwee as Woodie
- Angela Grant as Kim
- Chic Murray as Bernie
- Beth Porter as Melanie
- Sheila Steafel as Dr. Pitt
- Marianne Stone as Dr. Maconachie
- Milton Reid as Louie
Maps What's Up Superdoc!
External links
- What's Up Superdoc! on IMDb
Source of article : Wikipedia