Scoring (also known as Dribble) is a 1979 comedy film directed by Michael A. DeGaetano and distributed by Troma Entertainment. The plot of the film consists of a battle of the sexes, with a team of men and a team of women facing each other off in a game of basketball.
Envisioned as a promotional vehicle for the WBA by Iowa Cornets investor George Nissen. Scoring was filmed in and around Cedar Rapids, Iowa and Des Moines, Iowa.
Video Scoring (film)
Main cast
- Myra Taylor
- Charles Fatone
- Freya Crane
- Gregg Perrie
- Joseph Hardin
- Peter Maravich
- Nina Scotti
- Paunita Nichols
- Laurene Landon
- Dick Hardiman
- Gary Moss
- Alan Jackson
- Leroy Sweet
- Carl B. Belfor
- Dennis Haysbert
Maps Scoring (film)
External links
- Scoring on IMDb
Source of article : Wikipedia